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Web Bytes
Did You Know ?
- Internet penetration in india is 460 Mn people, ranked second behind China.
- 75% of Web Traffic comes from Mobiles
- Default session on websites is approximately 30 minutes
- There are over 100 billion searches per month on Google
- eCom sites generally have a bounce rate of less than 40% as compared to service sites with 50% bounce rates

- 63% of the people check only the Golden Triangle - the 1st three listings on 1st page of Google Search
- Google displays maximum of 7 text Ads on a single page
- 93.4% of people do not move to the second page in Google Search
- Google owns over 80% of the search engine market
- Over 50% of Search queries are four or more words
- 78% of the people find results on Google's 1st page
- Max. 10 results are reflected for a given keyword on a Google Search page
- Over 40% of online revenue is captured through Organic Traffic
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